July 2007On 6 of July a symposium in the context of the early project's completion was held in Frankfurt am Main. Major project results will be presented. A summary of Diana Hummel's presentation is now available for download. It is in german language only. |
February 2007The sixth working paper with the title ""Ressourcen und Bevölkerungsdynamiken - Ausgewählte Konzepte und sozial-ökologische Perspektiven" is now available. The authors focused on the results of the year "resources". It is published in german language only. Diana Hummel/Christine Hertler/Cedric Janowicz/Alexandra Lux/Steffen Niemann (Hg.) (2006): also available through: |
November 2006On 22 November the met with their mentor group for the second time this year. The current status of qualifying works and the plans for the project's ending were presented. |
October 2006The 13 th workshop took place from October 24 to October 26 in Bad Orb. The conclussion of the work concerning terms during previous working phases, resources and transformation/regulation were of major concern. Additional open questions were discussed and the synthesis of subproject's results was advanced. Specifying the comprehension of supply systems was another point on the agenda. |
July 2006On 3 and 4 July an international workshop with the topic "Virtual Water Trade - between theoretical concept and practical implementation" was held in Frankfurt, convened by and the research area "Water and Social-Ecological Planning" of the institute for social-ecological research. The press release, documentation and presentations of this workshop could be downloaded within the "publication" section. |
May 2006The 12 th workshop took place on 29 May in Frankfurt in order to consolidate subproject results. |
April 2006On 5 and 6 April the whole team of participated in the second "Statusseminar" of the junior researchers projects within the field "social-ecological research", held by and in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Diana Hummel presented the whole project, and Cedric Janowicz introduced his dissertation project. The 11th workshop took place from April 25 to April 27 in Bad Orb. We focused on the 6th working paper (with the subject "resources"), particularly on the final chapter. In addition we discussed the integration of subproject results within the whole project. |
March 2006On March 30 the met for their first of the 2006 meeting with their mentor group. It was held in the context of preparation for the second "Statusseminar". |
December 2005On December 5 the second of this year's meeting with their mentor group was held. Results of our studies concerning 'resources' were presented and will be published in working paper No. 6. |
November 2005The 10th workshop took place in the beginning of November in Bad Orb. Major concern was the importance of resources for the subprojects, the relationship of knowledge, institutions, method and technique - in short WIPT which is very important for the modelling in - and the discussion of sustainable arrangement possibilities for supply systems. The fifth working paper with the title "Bevölkerungsdynamik und Versorgungssysteme - Modelle für Wechselwirkungen" is now available. The authors focused on providing models for population dynamics and supply systems. It is published in german language only. Diana Hummel/Christine Hertler/Cedric Janowicz/Alexandra Lux/Steffen Niemann (Hg.) (2005): Bevölkerungsdynamik und Versorgungssysteme - Modelle für Wechselwirkungen. demons working paper 5. ISSN 1612-8230, 108 pages., Euro 9,- order now also available through: |
October 2005From 9th to 13th October a conference convened by the IHDP themed "Global Environmental Change, Globalization and International Security: New Challenges for the 21st Century" was held in Bonn. The poster contributed by can now be downloaded within the "publication" section. |
June 2005For their 9th workshop colleaques of the Institut for Social-Ecological Research were invited for discussing different modelling concepts for social-ecological regulation. This workshop resulted in different models for supply systems for food and water. |
May 2005On May 19 the 8th workshop was held in Frankfurt. The term resource in the individual sub-projects was of major concern. The aim of this workshop was the temporary conception of resources within the project. The results of the ' year of resource will be summarised and further evaluated at another workshop in the end of this year. |
April 2005On April 5 an open conference convened by the GSF was held in Bonn on the topic of "Ways to sustainability - the future of supply and disposal systems". The also contributed. The presented poster, press release composed together with the project netWORKS and the presentation by Diana Hummel and Alexandra Lux are now available as download within the "publication" section. The 7th workshop was held on April 27 focusing on population concepts. This workshop provided a summary of the ' year of population in 2004. |
January 2005On January 17 the first of this year's meeting with their mentor group was held. Individual sub-project's intermediate results were presented in general and the social sciences' project by Cedric Janowicz in particular. |
December 2004At the end of the year 's working paper No. 3 by Diana Hummel and Thomas Kluge with the title "Sozial-ökologische Regulationen" (social ecological regulations) has been published. The working paper summarizes the discussion of a workshop on the topic having been held on July 8, 2004. It is published in german language only. Diana Hummel/Thomas Kluge (2004): Sozial-ökologische Regulationen. demons working paper 3. Simultaneously the fourth 's working paper appeared. It contains a critical discussion of the Great Transition concept authored by Nicole Karafyllis, Diana Hummel and Christine Hertler. It is published in german language only. Diana Hummel/Christine Hertler/Alexandra Lux/Cedric Janowicz (eds) (2004): Great Transition. Bewertung des Konzepts der Global Scenario Group in seiner Bedeutung für das Forschungsprojekt "Die Versorgung der Bevölkerung". demons working paper 4. ISSN 1612-8230, 66 Seiten, Euro 7,- both also available through: |
November 2004The sixth wokshop was held on November 17 in Frankfurt. We focused on transformation theories in general and social ecological transformations in particular. In this context we tried to identify the specific constellations characterizing social ecological transformations. We realized that it is urgently required to come to agreements in terms of range and course of social ecological transformations. Our discussion resulted in a joint working definition. |
October 2004met on October 27 and 28 for their 5th workshop in Bad Orb. On this occasion we succeeded in developing new perspectives for our model for supply systems. The integration of the different project parts made an enormous progress. The results of this workshop providing an important basis for our future work, will be further evaluated and prepared for publication. |
Autumn 2004Mainly driven by its geographical sub-project, in autumn 2004 demons started a cooperation with a feasability study project “IWRM in northern Namibia - Cuvelai Delta”. That latter one is part of a national competition of scientific projects on IWRM aspects that is run by the Federal Ministry of Education and Rresearch (BMBF). It looks upon possibilities and constraints for setting up an adapted IWRM concept in the selected region; amongst other things it focuses on securing and sustainably using endogenous resources additionally to other water sources. Its integrated approach refers to links between water and land use as well as to links beteen different spatial levels (local, regional, national, bi-national). |
June 2004On 21 June organised a “Milestone Workshop” concerning "Modelling interconnections between demographic developments and changes of supply systems". On this workshop we and several invited experts discussed various population concepts and set their relation to our model for supply systems. Currently, respective discussions are very much based on different models, i.e. the PEDA model or the identification and following analysis of syndromes. Representatives of institutions working with these models were invited and gave an introduction into their work. We see our concept as one out of several possible ones and appreciate any opportunity to go for a critical discussion with experts in this field. The 2nd Working Paper titled "Versorgungssysteme als Gegenstand der sozial-ökologischen Forschung" (“Supply systems as a subject of social-ecological research”) has been published! We present our concept of supply systems and particularly describe structures of the supply systems for water and food. Hummel, Diana/Christine Hertler/Steffen Niemann/Alexandra Lux/Cedric Janowicz (2004): Versorgungssysteme als Gegenstand sozial-ökologischer Forschung. or likewise available by: |
April 2004On 23 April the first one of this year’s meetings with the mentor group was held. At this meeting intermediate results were presented particularly from the individual sub-projects and opened for critical questions and comments of the mentors. The workshop particularly focused on aspects of the geographical project part. |
February 2004From February 23 until February 25, had its 4th workshop held in Dammbach. This workshop particularly focused on gender topics in social-ecological research. Both demographic aspects and research questions of the overall project as well as those of the individual sub-projects were put into a relationship on this. This allows us to integrate gender aspects into the project wherever this seems appropriate. |
January 2004The -Homepage is online! Dipl. Biol. Frank Velte provided, arranged and technically prepared the basic structure of the homepage graphics in the preceding three months. |
September 2003Intermediate results of as well as special aspects of the project’s scope are separately published in a series of Working Papers. The first one of those Working Papers has recently been published in German. Based on a first interdisciplinary analysis of problems, it presents the research concept, and gives a special perspective on reciprocal links between population and supply systems: Hummel, Diana/Christine Hertler/Steffen Niemann/Alexandra Lux/Kay Oliver Schulze (2003): Die Versorgung der Bevölkerung - Wirkungszusammenhänge von demografischen Entwicklungen, Bedürfnissen und Versorgungssystemen. Forschungskonzept. or likewise available by: |
July 2003Based on discussions with the group of mentors, needs to strengthen its definition of supply systems and the respective model by clarifying further questions like the identification of dynamics to be modelled or the relationship between our model for supply systems and other “population environment”-models, for instance. Those questions were discussed on a workshop in Eisenbachtal from 23-25 July. |
June 2003On 23 and 24 June the whole team of participated in the first “Statusseminar” of the junior researchers projects within the field “social-ecological research”, held by and in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. We presented the project and, in particular, the elaborated model of supply systems. This presentation is the baseline of our first Working Paper presenting our research concept. |
September 2002 until February 2003 (Interdisciplinary analysis of problems)This first term’s overall goal was to state the concept of supply systems more precisely and to conceptualize the disciplinary sub-projects (case studies). Our model of supply systems as well as a draft definition were presented to and discussed with a group of experts on a first “Milestone Workshop” on 21 February. Our overall model of supply systems is to be further elaborated, prepared in specific ways in the various disciplinary types, and should thus serve as the basis for the individual sub-projects (case studies), the latter one being the core of the project’s next phase. While doing this, the sub projects’ (case studies’) interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary link to the overall project continuously have to be secured. |
March 2002 until August 2002 (pre-phase)When arranging a pre-phase at the project’s beginning, two goals were pursued: first to constitute and institutionally establish the project team, secondly to specify the project’s overall scope in order to facilitate the definition of a common starting point. Fixing the institutional background of the junior researchers project did, among other things, mean to secure the administrative regulation of co-operation between the university and a non-university research institute, the institute for social-ecological research (ISOE). For scientific consultation, project-accompanying evaluation and for supporting the individual scientific qualification, a group of mentors was formed. At the beginning of September, with the employment of our geographer Steffen Niemann, our project team became almost complete. When specifying our common research’s scope, we specifically focused on supply systems. They will serve as a joint between demographic trends and social-ecological problems. Based on our work during the pre-phase, we provided a poster, which can be downloaded as handout within the “publication” section. Beyond that, first results were summarized in form of a report. |